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Upper Tweed Catchment Water Quality Assessment

Hydrosphere Consulting was engaged by Tweed Shire Council to examine water quality data collected by Council in the Upper Tweed Catchment from 1999 - 2015. The key aims were to characterise water quality and runoff and identify sources of water quality degradation so that sub-catchment and site-based actions can be developed to address risks to the drinking water supply.


Review of the existing monitoring program methods was also required to design an optimised monitoring program that is efficient and cost-effective while accurately informing decision making in the catchment and also fulfils requirements under the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.


Hydrosphere Consulting comprehensively analysed water quality information using a tailor made database in MSExcel and the statistics platform 'R' to undertake more complex statistical analysis. Key spatial and temporal water quality trends were identified and areas of the catchment were pinpointed for remedial action.


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